Freelance Jobs

Friday, December 17, 2010

how you can earn money ,only on writing short articles??

   To write can an article it bring back incomes for a writer?

     There are several manners of generating incomes through the simple writing of articles and here some one:

-Be solicited to you by owner of the pages on Internet to enrich their contents

-To publish an article in connection with a product or a service by putting bonds relating to the product has to promote

  essence is to write single contents, by using the techniques suitable to increase the visibility of your article such as the density of the keywords.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Do You Think That You Are A Bad Writer To Get Into Freelance Writing Opportunities?

By: Achal Mehrotra


Freelance writing opportunitiesare available today worldwide. It is great work at home job available today. Freelance writing can be done in many branches of freelancing. Freelance writing can be very shiny carrier for you. But if you considered yourself as a not a good writer, then you can take training for becoming a good writer.

After becoming, a good freelance writer you can bid on projects which are available for bid. When your bid on any particular project will be accepted by the owner of that project then he will contact you. You have to complete that project in a limited time period, the time period will be declared by you on the time of bidding on any project.

The freelance writer training can be done at your own home. You do not need to go anywhere to take classes. You can simply buy a freelance training course on internet and can download it immediately. A good freelance training course has ability to train you in freelance writing within seven days.

If you are able to work as a freelancer by spending yours three hours a day, then you can earn a decent monthly income also you would be tension freefrom your whole day job.

Before going in the field of writing, you must have trained yourself best as you can. So if you are not a good writer then you can take help from available freelance training courses. Also remember, do not buy those courses which can give you training on a single branch of freelancing. Always try to buy those courses which can train you in every branch of freelancing. In brief, suppose you bought a freelance training course which can train you in only writing branch of freelancing. Now you will not gain knowledge about others field of freelancing such as marketing, advertising, graphic designing and many more. You will be limited in the area of writing. If you will buy a complete freelance training kit then you will be able to gain full training on several fields of freelancing.

A successful freelancerhas knowledge about several freelancing fields. So you can earn more money by working on several projects simultaneously and you can become a successful freelancer after doing that. If you are thinking, you will be confused on working several different types of projects then you are wrong.Do not be limited in an area of freelancing. It is very easy to working on several projects of freelancing. It can make your future bright. If you really thinking that it a can be a difficult task then remember your school days, when you can lean several subjects simultaneously and also you were able to achieved highest marks in every particular subject. Just you will need only a complete and successful training to achieving your goals.

After becoming a good freelancer you will be able to work in your own way.

Are you sick and tired of your dead end job and ready to take control of your financial future?

Are you frustrated with your regular 9 to 5 job?

Do you want to start your freelance writer training from today?

Then : - See Here.

      About the Author

How to attract more clients quickly, easily and without cold calls - See Here.
(ArticlesBase SC #2303412)

              Article Source: - Do You Think That You Are A Bad Writer To Get Into Freelance Writing Opportunities?

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Comment Gagner De L'argent Avec Des Articles : L'importance Des Mots-Clés

By: Christophe Chartier

Les spiders des moteurs de recherche parcourent toute la journée le web, pour dénicher de nouveaux sites, pour mettre à jour les backlinks des sites et vont créer une liste de mot-clé de la page d'accueil pour remplacer les META Keywords qui sont souvent mal renseigné.

Il est donc très important de bien choisir ses mots-clés lors de la rédaction d'un article...

Qu'est ce qu'un mot-clé?

Un mot-clé est un mot qui va être placé dans votre article plusieurs fois, de telle façon qu'il soit détecté comme LE mot-clé.

Quand un spider voit que vous avez un mot-clé placé plusieurs fois dans un article, il déterminera que votre page peut être utile aux utilisateurs qui recherchent un tel mot.

Il est donc très important d'optimiser vos articles si vous voulez qu'ils soient en tête des requêtes.

Il est aussi très important de noter qu'il ne faut pas faire n'importe quoi et répéter votre mot-clé des dizaines et des dizaines de fois dans votre article!

En effet, si vous répétez maintes fois votre mot-clé dans un article, le spider détectera que vous essayez de l'arnaquer pour placer votre article dans les hautes sphères.

Il vous pénalisera immédiatement!

Ceci peut même affecter les rangs de vos autres pages et vous pouvez même être mis sur leur liste noire!

Quelle est la densité de mot-clé?

La densité est le nombre de mots-clés et leur répétition par rapport au nombre total de mots dans une page.

Par exemple, si vous avez un article de 400 mots et que vous voulez réaliser une densité de 5%, vous devrez donc avoir le mot-clé désiré dans votre article, exactement 20 fois.

Vous pouvez trouver des centaines de ressources et guides recommandant une densité de mot-clé, cependant, c'est bien à vous de déterminer quelle densité est la plus profitable pour vos articles.

La bonne densité pour le mot-clé?

Qu'importe la densité que vous choisissez, l'important est de placer les mots-clés de sorte qu'il y en est plus au début et à la fin, pour produire un effet positif pour votre classement.

Avoir la bonne densité de mot-clé dans vos articles vous fera probablement gagner plus d'argent, car vos articles monteront dans les résultats des moteurs de recherche et seront donc vu par plus de personnes!

Cet article est composé de 427 mots, j'ai choisi une densité de 4%.

J'ai répété le mot-clé 17 fois dans cet article.

A vous maintenant d'optimiser tous vos articles!

Sur l'auteur:

Christophe Chartier

(ArticlesBase FR SC #2376111)

Source -